Monday, December 29, 2014

HI GUYS + Check Out My Tumblr!

Hi guys! Guess what, I'm back! Well not really, just for the time being.  So first of all super sorry for not being on for TOO LONG omg. It's been too long. But like I said before, I'm currently a freshman in high school, so yes homework load is a lot more than middle school. So that's why I haven't been on. Cause of school. Ya, just blame school. Finals are over, THANK GOD! And I have the time to make this post because it's winter break. And now I'm just thinking about how time passes by so quickly. It's scary actually. 2 days until 2015. Can you believe that? Like wow. If you think about it, an year passes by so quickly. We are growing up. But I'm excited for what 2015 holds for me. Let's just talk about my first semester as a freshman okay? Lol, this is probably just going to be a rambling post. So the classes I took were oral composition, biology, P.E., English 1A, Band, and Algebra 2/Trig. Oh god, I hate PE. I think it's probably because of the teacher. Like she's wayyyyy too blunt and direct. Like if you suck, she will literally say "you suck." And I get super nervous around her. Algebra 2/Trig was okay after all. I mean I didn't think I could pass the class with an A, but I did! YAS. So thankful for my mom, who was willing to stay up at nights to help me with math, and for my teacher who gave out extra credit. And that REALLY helped with my grade. So yeah. I also auditioned for the Northern California honor band and also the Santa Clara honor band (in case you guys didn't know, I play the clarinet. Yes, Clare plays the clarinet), but didn't get into any. It really upset me. at first, but then my friend was like "Don't be sad because it's just another reason for you to work harder. If at first, you don't succeed, try again. Because you can only go up from here." And that really made me smile. :)

By the way, I made a tumblr, so you guys definitely should check it out and maybe follow? It would seriously mean a lot to me if you followed. :)
My tumblr is I recently started getting into tumblr, haha. Tumblr has really nice pictures.

Anyways, enough of my rambling. Thanks for reading, and I hope to be back soon. I can't guarantee though, and I hope you guys do understand because school is always number 1 priority. But thanks to the people who have stayed (if there is anyone???). I really do appreciate it! :)