Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Summer Finale Reaction

3 letters that describe this episode: OMG.  Wait, actually it's much more than that.  It's shocking, full of suspense, nail-biting, intense, and mind-blowing.  This summer finale episode revealed answers to questions we have been wondering for a long time such as who is red coat?  Is Alison alive?  Who is A?  Below is my reaction to this episode which contains spoilers.

------------------------------------------------REACTION : SPOILER ALERT----------------------------------------------------
Okay so I am going to talk about my reaction of the events that happened in order.  When Ashley Marin was no longer a suspect for the murder of Darren Wilden, I was so happy for Hanna and her mom.  I always knew that somehow, Ashley Marin will be released from the charges held against her.  Instead, Cece Drake is the new suspect.  When the liars went to the magic show in Ravenswood, I thought the clown looked kinda like Ezra.  As Aria entered the box, I was nervous because I thought this would be one of A's trick again.  Turns out, A took Emily instead.  When Emily was in the wooden coffin and was getting closer to the slicing machine thingy, I knew that the liars will eventually save her just in time like always. :)  Then, Emily saw two Red Coats.  One of them turned out to be Cece, other one is unknown.  So when Marlene said we will find out who red coat is, we didn't actually find out who the "real redcoat" is.  After Cece falls flat on the ground, she apparently was gone.  The camera showed Cece's finger moving; therefore, I'm guessing that Cece was probably still alive from that fall.  Meanwhile, the other redcoat (I'm guessing it's Alison) led Spencer to her lair, and Spencer later led her friends to it.  I'm pretty sure the person who was watching the liars while the liars looked through A's lair was Alison.  When they found out that A has been watching them through security cameras, I wasn't surprised because that's the only way how A could have been watching them at all times.  After when the liars left to find Alison, they met Mrs. Grunwald, who revealed that Alison was always alive.  I knew it!  I like the fact that Alison is alive; it's going to make everything more interesting.  Oh my gosh, in the end, was the most shocking reveal ever.  Ezra is A!!!  Can you believe it?  I did not see that coming.  I always thought Ezra seems too confused to be A.  I'm sad because Ezra and Aria are such a cute couple!  I don't know how Ezra can be watching the liars while he is teaching at school.  I officially lose my trust on Ezra.  Aria, please find out about Ezra as A asap!!!  So yeah, after watching this episode, I think that redcoat is not a bad guy.  It's just Alison protecting her friends - Aria, Spencer, Emily, and Hanna.
--------------------------------------------------------END OF SPOILER-------------------------------------------------------------

And that wraps my reaction of the Pretty Little Little Liars summer finale.  I can not wait till the Halloween Special of Pretty Little Liars!  Anyways, thanks for reading, and be sure to watch Pretty Little Liars on Tuesdays 8/7c! :)

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