Wednesday, April 30, 2014

5 Things That Piss Me Off More Than Ever Tag

So, today I am going to do a tag, which as you can tell from the title, it's the 5 things that piss me off more than ever tag.  I was tagged by a random person from  Without further ado, here are 5 things that pisses me off more than ever.

1. when people think they are too good for others - Ugh, some people just think they are so much better than others.  I mean seriously, everyone is the same.  Like, you don't get special treatment.  
2. rude people - Gosh, people who are rude for NO apparent reason at all pisses me off.  I didn't do anything, why ya gotta be rude to me?  
3. people who follow others - Here's a tip guys, don't follow anyone.  No one likes someone who constantly follows them.  It's just plain annoying.  
4. wannabes - Wow wannabes are just so.....annoying.  They try to be popular, and you can tell they are trying pretty hard.  But ya know, popularity doesn't matter, like after high school, it won't matter at all.  
5. spoilers - Don't be on social media if you haven't watched an episode of your favorite TV show or movie.  I learned that the hard way.  There will always be spoilers on social media.  Some people just decide to ruin it for everyone.  Like really?!!  Are you serious?  Once I read a spoiler, I can't "forget" the spoiler.  So, if you are a spoiler out there, do everyone else a favor by not spoiling okay? 

And I'm sorry I had to add one more thing, cause listing only 5 things is simply not enough.  

6. people who curse to be cool - Dude, like no stop.  Cursing doesn't make you cooler or anything.  I'm fine with cursing, cause everyone curses.  But like if you curse a lot, and you do it to be cool?  Nah!  

So yeah, those are the 5 things that piss me off.  I tag Rachel from, and all of you guys of course!  Feel free to comment down below of what pisses you off.  I would love to read your comments!  Anyways, hope you guys liked this post, and thanks for reading! :) 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Caramel Frappuccino

Caramel Frappuccino® Blended Coffee
Can we just talk about a drink that is perfection?  For me, that drink is the Caramel Frappuccino from Starbucks.  It's the best.  First, let me describe the drink.  So basically, it's just coffee blended with caramel syrup, milk, and ice.  It's topped with whip cream (well this is actually optional), and to finish it off, caramel sauce is drizzled over the whip cream.  Now, I'm going to describe how it tastes like.  So once you drink it, you will taste the bold coffee and the sweet caramel.  Then, there will be a icey coffee-ish, caramel-y taste that lingers in your mouth.  So yeah.  Anyways, seriously you guys HAVE to try the Caramel Frappuccino, if you didn't already.  Especially if you love caramel.  Trust me, you will love it. :)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

10 Things That Makes Me Happy Tag

Hi, so today I am going to be doing the 10 things that makes me happy tag!  I never did a tag before on this blog, so I decided to do one today.  Anyways, without further ado, here are the 10 things that makes me happy!
  1. watching PLL - do I even need to explain? Lol, well y'all should know that I am absolutely obsessed with Pretty Little Liars!  If I am having a bad day, all I have to do is watch PLL, and everything is good! 
  2. shopping - Almost every girl likes shopping.  I happen to be one of the girls who do like shopping.  I like buying new clothes, or looking at clothes :) 
  3. Starbucks - Starbucks is like a sip of happiness.  My favorite drink at Starbucks is the caramel frappuccino. 
  4. listening to Ariana Grande - Ariana Grande is such an amazing singer.  Her voice is so lovely, and her songs are the best!  When I listen to her songs, it just makes me happy. 
  5. summer - I love summer because there is no school.  Summer is also the time to travel to places where you always wanted to go, and spend time on the beach.  And you get to wear tank tops and shorts, which I personally like wearing.     
  6. helping others - When I help others, it brings joy to my heart.  There is just this warm feeling when I help other people.  
  7. eating good pizza - My favorite food is pizza that taste REALLY good.  I can eat good pizza for the rest of my life; therefore eating delicious pizza makes me happy.  
  8. watching Harry Potter movies - All Harry Potter movies are absolutely incredible.  They belong in a special place in my heart.  I LOVE Harry Potter movies.  
  9. dressing up - Well, I just really like dressing up for a special event or like a formal event.  I just do, and it makes me happy when I do get to dress up.  But I don't lke dressing everyday, just once in a while.   
  10. friends & family - Friends and family are always there for me.  My friends are so helpful, and I can talk to them about anything.  My family are so loving and makes me so happy.  My friends and family are truly the best! 
So that is the 10 things that makes me happy tag!  I TAG ALL OF YOU!  :) Btw, today is Easter, so happy Easter everyone!  Until the next post, bye for now!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Divergent Movie Review

So a few days ago, I watched the Divergent movie.  Oh my gosh, it was so freaking good!  For those of you who don't know, this movie was based on the book, also called Divergent, by Veronica Roth.  Anyways, let me tell me my thoughts that do not include spoilers.  I thought this movie was perfectly paced and that it followed the book pretty well.  It was full of action, and the chemistry between the characters was absolutely wonderful.  I also thought all the actors/actresses fit their role pretty well.  When the movie showed the Dauntless building, I was surprised that it was pretty close to how I imagined it.  Like I watched other movies that are adapted from books before, but none of the sets closely resembles to how I imagined it.  And haha, when it showed Tris fighting or sprinting, it actually makes you want to fight/sprint too.  Okay, so that wraps up the review of the Divergent movie, without spoilers.  Below, I am going to tell you my thoughts on certain parts of the movies, and they do contain spoilers.

--------------------------------------------------DISCUSSION : SPOILER ALERT-----------------------------------------------
So let's start from the beginning, shall we?  The aptitude test, well it was shorter than the book's version.  But it works, I guess since obviously not everything from the book can be in the movie.  When Tris choice Dauntless as her new faction, I was like yes!  When Dauntless started running up to the train, I felt like running too.  After Tris jumped into the net, Four appeared.  Can we just talk about Theo James (Four) for a second?  Gosh, he is so hot.  Haha, I'm sorry I had to say that.  Later, Eric and Peter appeared.  Both Peter and Eric wasn't how I imagined, but it works.  When Tris fought against opponents for the first part of the Dauntless training, I wanted to shout GO TRIS!  But I can't since I was in the movie theater so.....ya.  During the part where Tris got on the zip line, the scene was shot so beautifully.  And when Tris last minute, pulled the brake, she stopped like literally right in front of the board.  I was like that was so close!  And the end of Divergent, when Tris was fighting, gosh it was so intense.  The ending of Divergent is definitely my favorite part of the movie, but it was really sad too.  When Tris's mom died, oh my gosh I was so close to crying.  Cause her mom was saved Tris's lives and sacrificed herself.  Tris's dad also sacrificed himself too.  But you know at the end, Tris saved so many of the Abnegation's lives and became the hero. :)
---------------------------------------------------------END OF SPOILER------------------------------------------------------------

So yeah, that was my review on Divergent, the movie.  Overall, I would give it a 9.5/10.  Comparing it with Catching Fire (film), I would have to say that Catching Fire is better.  The reason is because Catching Fire made me stare at the screen with my mouth open the whole time, and I barely moved throughout the movie.  Catching Fire was that good, but Divergent didn't make me feel that way.  Divergent is still an amazing film to see though, and I definitely recommend all of you guys to watch it (but first read the book).  Oh, and I thought the chemistry between Tris and Four was a lot better than Katniss's and Peeta's.  Tris and Four are perfect together.  Also, I would like to say that if I chose a faction, I would probably choose Dauntless, since it's so exciting and fun.  Although the stuff that Dauntless do are dangerous, well everyone needs to take some risks once in a while. :)