Wednesday, April 30, 2014

5 Things That Piss Me Off More Than Ever Tag

So, today I am going to do a tag, which as you can tell from the title, it's the 5 things that piss me off more than ever tag.  I was tagged by a random person from  Without further ado, here are 5 things that pisses me off more than ever.

1. when people think they are too good for others - Ugh, some people just think they are so much better than others.  I mean seriously, everyone is the same.  Like, you don't get special treatment.  
2. rude people - Gosh, people who are rude for NO apparent reason at all pisses me off.  I didn't do anything, why ya gotta be rude to me?  
3. people who follow others - Here's a tip guys, don't follow anyone.  No one likes someone who constantly follows them.  It's just plain annoying.  
4. wannabes - Wow wannabes are just so.....annoying.  They try to be popular, and you can tell they are trying pretty hard.  But ya know, popularity doesn't matter, like after high school, it won't matter at all.  
5. spoilers - Don't be on social media if you haven't watched an episode of your favorite TV show or movie.  I learned that the hard way.  There will always be spoilers on social media.  Some people just decide to ruin it for everyone.  Like really?!!  Are you serious?  Once I read a spoiler, I can't "forget" the spoiler.  So, if you are a spoiler out there, do everyone else a favor by not spoiling okay? 

And I'm sorry I had to add one more thing, cause listing only 5 things is simply not enough.  

6. people who curse to be cool - Dude, like no stop.  Cursing doesn't make you cooler or anything.  I'm fine with cursing, cause everyone curses.  But like if you curse a lot, and you do it to be cool?  Nah!  

So yeah, those are the 5 things that piss me off.  I tag Rachel from, and all of you guys of course!  Feel free to comment down below of what pisses you off.  I would love to read your comments!  Anyways, hope you guys liked this post, and thanks for reading! :) 

1 comment :

  1. I totally agree on the cursing thing. For some people, it's natural, but when people do it just to be cool, it's so annoying.
