Hi guys! Guess what, I'm back! Well not really, just for the time being. So first of all super sorry for not being on for TOO LONG omg. It's been too long. But like I said before, I'm currently a freshman in high school, so yes homework load is a lot more than middle school. So that's why I haven't been on. Cause of school. Ya, just blame school. Finals are over, THANK GOD! And I have the time to make this post because it's winter break. And now I'm just thinking about how time passes by so quickly. It's scary actually. 2 days until 2015. Can you believe that? Like wow. If you think about it, an year passes by so quickly. We are growing up. But I'm excited for what 2015 holds for me. Let's just talk about my first semester as a freshman okay? Lol, this is probably just going to be a rambling post. So the classes I took were oral composition, biology, P.E., English 1A, Band, and Algebra 2/Trig. Oh god, I hate PE. I think it's probably because of the teacher. Like she's wayyyyy too blunt and direct. Like if you suck, she will literally say "you suck." And I get super nervous around her. Algebra 2/Trig was okay after all. I mean I didn't think I could pass the class with an A, but I did! YAS. So thankful for my mom, who was willing to stay up at nights to help me with math, and for my teacher who gave out extra credit. And that REALLY helped with my grade. So yeah. I also auditioned for the Northern California honor band and also the Santa Clara honor band (in case you guys didn't know, I play the clarinet. Yes, Clare plays the clarinet), but didn't get into any. It really upset me. at first, but then my friend was like "Don't be sad because it's just another reason for you to work harder. If at first, you don't succeed, try again. Because you can only go up from here." And that really made me smile. :)
By the way, I made a tumblr, so you guys definitely should check it out and maybe follow? It would seriously mean a lot to me if you followed. :)
My tumblr is ohsnapitsclare.tumblr.com. I recently started getting into tumblr, haha. Tumblr has really nice pictures.
Anyways, enough of my rambling. Thanks for reading, and I hope to be back soon. I can't guarantee though, and I hope you guys do understand because school is always number 1 priority. But thanks to the people who have stayed (if there is anyone???). I really do appreciate it! :)
Oh Snap, It's Clare
don't be like the rest of them, darling x
Monday, December 29, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
What's in My Backpack? + School Supplies Haul! 2014
It's that time of year again. Yes, it's back to school time! My school started last week on Monday, so I decided to show you guys what's in my backpack, and my back to school supplies haul. Since I didn't buy much school supplies this year, I combined it with the what's in my backpack post. Let's get started!
What's in My Backpack?
Main pocket:
- 2 notebooks (one shown in first picture)
-pencil case (click here to see what's in my pencil case!)
-a book (the book shown in the picture is The Maze Runner)
-band flip folder
-Algebra 2/Trig textbook
Front pocket:
-hand sanitizer
-pouch to carry feminine products (as shown in the first picture)
-scientific calculator
- iPhone
Some of the stuff I got from my back to school supplies haul are shown in the picture. I just got a binder, a folder, and a notebook. Pretty simple. I also got a scientific calculator, after I found out that I needed it. Anyways, that's it for this post! I hope you guys have an amazing school year! :)
P.S. As a freshmen in high school, I have less time in my hands. Therefore, I can only post around 2 times a month instead of 4. Occasionally, if I have more time, I will have more than 2 posts per month. I am sorry about that. Still keep on reading my blog, since I am NOT going to stop posting for this time being. Thank you for understanding! :)
What's in My Backpack?
Main pocket:
- 2 notebooks (one shown in first picture)
-pencil case (click here to see what's in my pencil case!)
-a book (the book shown in the picture is The Maze Runner)
-band flip folder
-Algebra 2/Trig textbook
Front pocket:
-hand sanitizer
-pouch to carry feminine products (as shown in the first picture)
-scientific calculator
- iPhone
Some of the stuff I got from my back to school supplies haul are shown in the picture. I just got a binder, a folder, and a notebook. Pretty simple. I also got a scientific calculator, after I found out that I needed it. Anyways, that's it for this post! I hope you guys have an amazing school year! :)
P.S. As a freshmen in high school, I have less time in my hands. Therefore, I can only post around 2 times a month instead of 4. Occasionally, if I have more time, I will have more than 2 posts per month. I am sorry about that. Still keep on reading my blog, since I am NOT going to stop posting for this time being. Thank you for understanding! :)
Thursday, August 7, 2014
July Favorites 2014 ♡
Yayyy guys, I'm back! Sorry I haven't posted for a long time. If you read my previous post, you would know that I was actually on vacation. In addition to that, I didn't have any time in my hands even when I did came back from my vacation. But it's okay because I'm back with a new post. Today's post is my July Favorites. I never did a favorites post before, so I decided to do one. Without further ado, below are my favorites for the month of July!
1. This outfit - I wore this outfit many times during the summer because I think the shirt and the shorts go very well together. By the way, the white clothing on top of the crop top is a tank top. The crop top is kind of clear, so I wore a tank top underneath it.
2. This Flannel shirt - I either wear this around my waist or wear it as a jacket. I think tying a flannel shirt around your waist will make every outfit a bit better. :)
3. These black high waisted shorts - I love these shorts because they are high waisted AND they have multiple buttons AND they look really nice with any top.
4. This tank top - Since summer is really hot, this tank top is PERFECT for the summer weather (as you can see). I wear the tank top (on the right) under the polka dot tank top.

5. Pimple Remover - So I bought both of these items from Taiwan. How it works : First, wipe the pimple using sanitizing wipes. The tool (on the right) is to poke the pimple when there is like a white head on it (which I know that in America, pimples aren't treated this way). And after you get one of those pimple tape thingies (on the left), and then tape it on the pimple. You take the tape off when the tape turns white (the tape is clear when you first put it on). I only used these products once, but they work so well. I had this pimple on my forehead that I couldn't get rid of. But when I used this method, surprisingly, the pimple shrank within a day, and was basically gone by 2 days. I do not know if they sell these at America, but if they do, you guys should definitely try this method!
6. Pineapple cake - Since I went to Taiwan for vacation, I bought these pineapple pastries. If you didn't know what they are, they are pineapple and winter melon jam with a crumbly, buttery crust that seals everything together. Taiwan has the BEST pineapple cakes. They are delicious! They also sell it here, but in my opinion, it's not as good as the ones at Taiwan.
7. Sun Cake - This is another sweet treat I got from Taiwan. The picture on the right is how the sun cake looks like (sorry it is a crappy picture cause the outer layer was kind of messed up). Anyways, basically the filling of sun cake is, according to wikipedia, maltose aka condensed malt sugar. I don't really know how to describe the outer layer but just look in the picture. :) These taste just as good as the pineapple pastries. Again, they sell these at America, but the ones sold at Taiwan are better in my opinion.
8. Break Free by Ariana Grande - I really love this song. It sounds different from her other songs, but it's just as good, if not, better (than some).
Link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ek3WMM7I-0
9. Bang Bang by Jessie J, Ariana Grande, and Nicki Minaj - Gosh I love this song's vibe. When you listen to this song, you feel powerful.
Link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YswhUHH6Ufc
10. Boss by Fifth Harmony - This song is so freaking catchy! This song is more mature than their other songs. I actually like these kind of song style better.
Link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4JfPlry-iQ
11. Chandelier by Sia - Now, I know this song came out around 4 months ago, but I recently started to listen to it. And I LOVE it. Every time I listen to this song, I feel like singing it, haha.
Link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vjPBrBU-TM

12. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - So this movie came out 4 months ago, but I recently watched it on the plane since I was bored. My friend really wanted to watch the movie; that's how I knew about it. I didn't think that I would like those super hero movies, but this movie proved me wrong. After I watched it, I loved it. I especially like the fight scenes. And let's talk about Scarlett Johansson for a sec. She is so awesome as Black Widow! I loved her from the beginning of the movie. Like a woman that can kick a**? What's better than that?

13. Lucy - So I watched this movie a few days ago. I saw the trailer, and right away, I was like I have to watch it. I love this movie because it has an interesting concept. I loved looking at Lucy kicking people's a**. And also Scarlett Johansson is in it ahaha. She's so pretty and is an amazing actress! Scarlett is now one of my favorite actresses! :) Also, an interesting fact, in case you guys didn't know already, is that some parts of this movie was actually shot at Taiwan! Therefore, when I was watching it, I felt really proud! :D Anyways, you guys should WATCH IT!
14. Snapchat - I actually had this app on my phone for quite a while. In the month of July, I used this app a lot (usually I don't use it much), so I had to include this in my July Favorites. Snapchat is actually a good place to go on your phone if you are bored. You can make snapchat videos, and spam your friends lol.
Anyways, that's it for this post! Again, I'm sorry for not posting for such a loooongggg time. Hopefully, I can post more regularly! Well, thank you so so much for reading, and stay tuned until my next post! :)
1. This outfit - I wore this outfit many times during the summer because I think the shirt and the shorts go very well together. By the way, the white clothing on top of the crop top is a tank top. The crop top is kind of clear, so I wore a tank top underneath it.
2. This Flannel shirt - I either wear this around my waist or wear it as a jacket. I think tying a flannel shirt around your waist will make every outfit a bit better. :)
3. These black high waisted shorts - I love these shorts because they are high waisted AND they have multiple buttons AND they look really nice with any top.
4. This tank top - Since summer is really hot, this tank top is PERFECT for the summer weather (as you can see). I wear the tank top (on the right) under the polka dot tank top.
7. Sun Cake - This is another sweet treat I got from Taiwan. The picture on the right is how the sun cake looks like (sorry it is a crappy picture cause the outer layer was kind of messed up). Anyways, basically the filling of sun cake is, according to wikipedia, maltose aka condensed malt sugar. I don't really know how to describe the outer layer but just look in the picture. :) These taste just as good as the pineapple pastries. Again, they sell these at America, but the ones sold at Taiwan are better in my opinion.
8. Break Free by Ariana Grande - I really love this song. It sounds different from her other songs, but it's just as good, if not, better (than some).
Link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ek3WMM7I-0
9. Bang Bang by Jessie J, Ariana Grande, and Nicki Minaj - Gosh I love this song's vibe. When you listen to this song, you feel powerful.
Link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YswhUHH6Ufc
10. Boss by Fifth Harmony - This song is so freaking catchy! This song is more mature than their other songs. I actually like these kind of song style better.
Link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4JfPlry-iQ
11. Chandelier by Sia - Now, I know this song came out around 4 months ago, but I recently started to listen to it. And I LOVE it. Every time I listen to this song, I feel like singing it, haha.
Link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vjPBrBU-TM
12. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - So this movie came out 4 months ago, but I recently watched it on the plane since I was bored. My friend really wanted to watch the movie; that's how I knew about it. I didn't think that I would like those super hero movies, but this movie proved me wrong. After I watched it, I loved it. I especially like the fight scenes. And let's talk about Scarlett Johansson for a sec. She is so awesome as Black Widow! I loved her from the beginning of the movie. Like a woman that can kick a**? What's better than that?
13. Lucy - So I watched this movie a few days ago. I saw the trailer, and right away, I was like I have to watch it. I love this movie because it has an interesting concept. I loved looking at Lucy kicking people's a**. And also Scarlett Johansson is in it ahaha. She's so pretty and is an amazing actress! Scarlett is now one of my favorite actresses! :) Also, an interesting fact, in case you guys didn't know already, is that some parts of this movie was actually shot at Taiwan! Therefore, when I was watching it, I felt really proud! :D Anyways, you guys should WATCH IT!
14. Snapchat - I actually had this app on my phone for quite a while. In the month of July, I used this app a lot (usually I don't use it much), so I had to include this in my July Favorites. Snapchat is actually a good place to go on your phone if you are bored. You can make snapchat videos, and spam your friends lol.
Anyways, that's it for this post! Again, I'm sorry for not posting for such a loooongggg time. Hopefully, I can post more regularly! Well, thank you so so much for reading, and stay tuned until my next post! :)
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Hey guys! This is just going to be a quick update post. I made a google plus page just for this blog. Below is the google plus page.
Every time I have a new post on my blog, I will share it on google plus. So you guys should definitely follow me if you want updates on my blog! :) And feel free to share my blog posts on google plus if you like it! It would mean a lot to me if you do! Oh, and I recently added the Google friend connect gadget on my blog, so you should follow me using that as well! :) Also, I'm going to Taiwan tomorrow and would stay there for around 3 weeks. I don't know if I will be able to post anything during my time there. But I would try my best. So yeah, sorry about that. Anyways, thank you so much for reading my blog! :D
Every time I have a new post on my blog, I will share it on google plus. So you guys should definitely follow me if you want updates on my blog! :) And feel free to share my blog posts on google plus if you like it! It would mean a lot to me if you do! Oh, and I recently added the Google friend connect gadget on my blog, so you should follow me using that as well! :) Also, I'm going to Taiwan tomorrow and would stay there for around 3 weeks. I don't know if I will be able to post anything during my time there. But I would try my best. So yeah, sorry about that. Anyways, thank you so much for reading my blog! :D
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Lucy Hale's Album - Road Between
autographed booklet |
front cover |
when you open CD |
picture behind CD |
1st page of booklet |
2nd page of booklet |
3rd page of booklet |
4th page of booklet |
5th page of booklet |
6th page of booklet |
7th page of booklet |
8th page of booklet |
9th page of booklet |
back cover |
1. You Sound Good To Me
2. From The Backseat
3. Nervous Girls
4. Red Dress (duet with Joe Nichols)
5. Goodbye Gone
6. Kiss Me
7. Road Between
8. Lie A Little Better
9. That's What I Call Crazy
10. Love Tonight
11. Just Another Song
Exclusive song - 12. Come On
Note: Only the Walmart edition has the song Come On.
My Top 3 Favorites (not in any order) :
1. You Sound Good To Me
2. Lie A Little Better
3. Come On
Now on to my review for this album. Basically, this album's genre is country. And I know that most people don't really listen to country music. But I promise you, just try to listen to Lucy Hale's album Road Between. Personally, I don't listen to country music, but when I listened to her album, it's enjoyable. All the songs are pretty good. Most people see her as Aria on Pretty Little Liars, so it's nice to see people to actually get to know Lucy in these songs. I think Lucy fits as a country singer really well. Previously, she sang songs for the movie A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song, and those were pop songs. I prefer her in country music. Anyways, I would probably give this album a 4.5/5 stars! :) Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you liked this post! :D
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Hi guys! So today, I am going to do the TMI tag. I've seen several you tubers do this tag and thought it was such a fun tag. I've always wanted to do the tag, so why not do it now? Without further ado, let's get started!
1. What are you wearing?
To be honest, right now I'm just wearing pajamas haha.
2. Ever been in love?
3. Ever had a terrible breakup?
Well I never been in love, so I never had a terrible breakup.
4. How tall are you?
I'm 5''2.
5. How much do you weigh?
I'm around 90 pounds.
6. Any tattoos?
Nah, and I don't plan on getting any.
7. Any piercings?
Not yet, but I do plan on getting one on my ear lobe.
8. OTP?
Definitely Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace Lancaster (The Fault In Our Stars) and Ezra Fitz and Aria Montgomery (Pretty Little Liars).
9. Favorite show?
10. Favorite bands?
I like Fifth Harmony, Sweet Suspense, and Little Mix.
11. Something you miss?
I miss being in Taiwan with my family members who live there. But I'm going there in a week so yay!
12. Favorite song?
Almost is Never Enough by Ariana Grande for sure
13. How old are you?
I am 14 years old.
14. Zodiac sign?
15. Quality you look for in a partner?
Someone who can make me laugh. Ummmm also someone who is hardworking, sweet, nice, caring, helpful, initiative, and responsible. Wow I listed a lot of qualities....
16. Favorite quote?
"Don't be like the rest of them, darling" I don't know who said that, but yeah I really like that quote.
17. Favorite actor?
Ashley Benson and Shay Mitchell, duh!
18. Favorite color?
19. Loud music or soft?
I honestly like music that is not too loud but not too soft. But if I had to choose between loud or soft, I would say soft.
20. Where do you go when you are sad?
My bed; it's so comfortable.
21. How long does it take you to shower?
15-20 minutes
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
uhhh 30 minutes
23. Ever been in a physical fight?
24. Turn on?
Someone who has a sensitive side, and someone who has confidence.
25. Turn off?
Immaturity, arrogance, dishonesty, and body odor
26. The reason I joined Youtube? Well in this case it's blogger.
Well my friend has a blog (randomthingsrcool.blogspot.com). And I thought it would be fun to have a blog where I can share my thoughts and ideas. So ohsnapitzclare.blogspot.com was born!
27. Fears?
Death and snakes
28. Last thing that made you cry?
I don't know.
29. Last time you said you loved someone?
I think it was last night. I said goodnight and love you to my mom before I went to bed.
30. Meaning behind your Youtube name? In this case it's blogger.
Ariana Grande's Youtube channel used to be called osnapitzari (Oh snap, it's Ari). I love Ariana Grande, so I decided to call my blog ohsnapitzclare (yes it's spelled differently, I added an "h" to "o".)
31. Last book you read?
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
32. The book you're currently reading?
The Maze Runner
33. Last show you watched?
Pretty Little Liars :)
34. Last person you talked to?
my sister
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
The last person I texted is my friend, and the relationship is that she is my friend.
36. Favorite food?
37. Place you want to visit?
Paris, Hawaii, and New York
38. Last place you were?
Right now, I'm in my house. The last place I went was where I go for my badminton class.
39. Do you have a crush?
I don't even need to answer that LOL.
40. Last time you kissed someone?
I don't remember....
41. Last time you were insulted?
42. Favorite flavor of sweet?
Strawberry or blueberry
43. What instruments do you play?
I play the clarinet. I used to play the piano.
44. Favorite piece of jewelry?
Uh I don't really wear jewelry, so I don't have a favorite.
45. Last sport you played?
46. Last song you sang?
Problem by Ariana Grande, love that song!
47. Favorite chat up line?
The only one I know is "Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only 10 I see."
48. Have you ever used it?
Nah, I don't use pick up lines.
49. Last time you hung out with anyone?
A few days ago
50. Who should answer these questions next?
You guys should! :)
Anyways, that's it for this tag! I hope you enjoy reading this, and thank you so much for reading! :D
2. Ever been in love?
3. Ever had a terrible breakup?
Well I never been in love, so I never had a terrible breakup.
4. How tall are you?
I'm 5''2.
5. How much do you weigh?
I'm around 90 pounds.
6. Any tattoos?
Nah, and I don't plan on getting any.
7. Any piercings?
Not yet, but I do plan on getting one on my ear lobe.
8. OTP?
Definitely Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace Lancaster (The Fault In Our Stars) and Ezra Fitz and Aria Montgomery (Pretty Little Liars).
9. Favorite show?
10. Favorite bands?
I like Fifth Harmony, Sweet Suspense, and Little Mix.
11. Something you miss?
I miss being in Taiwan with my family members who live there. But I'm going there in a week so yay!
12. Favorite song?
Almost is Never Enough by Ariana Grande for sure
13. How old are you?
I am 14 years old.
14. Zodiac sign?
15. Quality you look for in a partner?
Someone who can make me laugh. Ummmm also someone who is hardworking, sweet, nice, caring, helpful, initiative, and responsible. Wow I listed a lot of qualities....
16. Favorite quote?
"Don't be like the rest of them, darling" I don't know who said that, but yeah I really like that quote.
17. Favorite actor?
Ashley Benson and Shay Mitchell, duh!
18. Favorite color?
19. Loud music or soft?
I honestly like music that is not too loud but not too soft. But if I had to choose between loud or soft, I would say soft.
20. Where do you go when you are sad?
My bed; it's so comfortable.
21. How long does it take you to shower?
15-20 minutes
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
uhhh 30 minutes
23. Ever been in a physical fight?
24. Turn on?
Someone who has a sensitive side, and someone who has confidence.
25. Turn off?
Immaturity, arrogance, dishonesty, and body odor
26. The reason I joined Youtube? Well in this case it's blogger.
Well my friend has a blog (randomthingsrcool.blogspot.com). And I thought it would be fun to have a blog where I can share my thoughts and ideas. So ohsnapitzclare.blogspot.com was born!
27. Fears?
Death and snakes
28. Last thing that made you cry?
I don't know.
29. Last time you said you loved someone?
I think it was last night. I said goodnight and love you to my mom before I went to bed.
30. Meaning behind your Youtube name? In this case it's blogger.
Ariana Grande's Youtube channel used to be called osnapitzari (Oh snap, it's Ari). I love Ariana Grande, so I decided to call my blog ohsnapitzclare (yes it's spelled differently, I added an "h" to "o".)
31. Last book you read?
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
32. The book you're currently reading?
The Maze Runner
33. Last show you watched?
Pretty Little Liars :)
34. Last person you talked to?
my sister
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
The last person I texted is my friend, and the relationship is that she is my friend.
36. Favorite food?
37. Place you want to visit?
Paris, Hawaii, and New York
38. Last place you were?
Right now, I'm in my house. The last place I went was where I go for my badminton class.
39. Do you have a crush?
I don't even need to answer that LOL.
40. Last time you kissed someone?
I don't remember....
41. Last time you were insulted?
42. Favorite flavor of sweet?
Strawberry or blueberry
43. What instruments do you play?
I play the clarinet. I used to play the piano.
44. Favorite piece of jewelry?
Uh I don't really wear jewelry, so I don't have a favorite.
45. Last sport you played?
46. Last song you sang?
Problem by Ariana Grande, love that song!
47. Favorite chat up line?
The only one I know is "Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only 10 I see."
48. Have you ever used it?
Nah, I don't use pick up lines.
49. Last time you hung out with anyone?
A few days ago
50. Who should answer these questions next?
You guys should! :)
Anyways, that's it for this tag! I hope you enjoy reading this, and thank you so much for reading! :D
Monday, June 9, 2014
The Fault In Our Stars Movie Review

QOTD: Have you watched the movie? If you did, did you like it? If you didn't, do you plan to watch it?
The Fault In Our Stars
Saturday, May 31, 2014
EOS Vs. Baby Lips
Okay, I know I already did a post like this before which compared all 3 lip balm brands: EOS, Baby Lips, and Nivea. If you want to read that blog post, click here. But this post will be different, since it would be a more in depth comparison of only EOS and Baby Lips. Many people wonder what the differences and similarities are between EOS and Baby Lips. So that's why I decided to do a post on it. Now, let's begin!
When you have EOS on your lips, it feels like you don't have any lip balm on which I personally like that. It feels smooth and light, without being oily. In terms of moisturization, EOS moisturizes very well. Every time I put EOS on, it leaves my lips feeling super soft.
Baby Lips:
For the texture of Baby Lips regular collection, I feel like it's oily and a bit greasy. It doesn't feel as nice on my lips as EOS. I LOVE the texture for Baby Lips Dr. Rescue collection though. Once you apply it, there is a cooling sensation on your lips, and the formula doesn't feel oily or greasy at all. It feels very nice on my lips. The moisturization for Dr. Rescue is better than the regular collection. Compared to EOS, though, I believe EOS moisturizes better.
Winner: EOS
Anyways, that wraps up my post for EOS vs. Baby Lips! I know it seems like I favor EOS a lot more, but actually Baby Lips Dr. Rescue is pretty close to EOS to me. I recommend BOTH of these brands, but you should buy the one that you think you will like better! :) I truly hope that this post helped you, and thank you so much for reading! :D
QOTD: Have you tried both? If you did, which one did you like better? Leave your answer in the comment section below!
Baby Lips Dr. Rescue Coral Crave (left) and EOS Blueberry Acai (right) |
The packaging for EOS lip balm is so unique. It's a lovely dome shape. It's very easy to open and close. However, since EOS lip balm is spherical-shaped, it might not be convenient to carry around in your purse.
Baby Lips:
On the other hand, the packaging for Baby Lips is more ordinary. The Baby Lips font are on the sides. Actually for Baby Lips Dr. Rescue Collection, there is a label on a cap unlike the other Baby Lips collections. Usually, the caps are clear, with no label on it. The bottom dial feels loose when I twist it, but so far so good like it doesn't come off or anything. I think the packaging for all the Baby Lips collections are still cute though. And the packaging is more compact, so it's easier to fit in your purse.
Winner - EOS
So I have 2 EOS lip balms, and they are the strawberry sorbet and blueberry acai (shown in picture). Out of those 2, I prefer the blueberry acai one, since I think it smells better. I also know how the other EOS lip balm smell like (sweet mint, summer fruit, honeysuckle honeydew) though because my family members have them. And I can tell you that they smell amazing!
Baby Lips:
For Baby Lips, I have the pink punch and peach kiss from the regular collection, and I also have the Baby Lips Dr. Rescue coral crave (as shown in the picture). The Baby Lips Dr. Rescue chapstick has kind of a medicated smell I guess? So if you are someone who wants a chapstick that smells good, I do not think you should get that. On the other hand, the baby lips from the regular collection smells really good. Compared to EOS, I would say that EOS has more of a natural smell, and Baby Lips has more of an artificial smell (it still smells very good though.)
Winner: EOS
Baby Lips:
For Baby Lips, I have the pink punch and peach kiss from the regular collection, and I also have the Baby Lips Dr. Rescue coral crave (as shown in the picture). The Baby Lips Dr. Rescue chapstick has kind of a medicated smell I guess? So if you are someone who wants a chapstick that smells good, I do not think you should get that. On the other hand, the baby lips from the regular collection smells really good. Compared to EOS, I would say that EOS has more of a natural smell, and Baby Lips has more of an artificial smell (it still smells very good though.)
Winner: EOS
When you put EOS on your lips, there is no color. For me, I use it at home usually before I go to sleep, so I can wake up with soft lips. Or, I use it for any casual events, since there is no color.
Baby Lips:
Baby Lips do give out color, but it's not very pigmented. Once you put it on, it just gives a sheer wash of color to the lips. But if you put more coats on your lips, then the color would show more. For me, I like to use it for special occasions, and sometimes, I will apply it on my lips before I go to bed as well, like what I do with EOS.
Winner: Baby Lips
Baby Lips:
Baby Lips do give out color, but it's not very pigmented. Once you put it on, it just gives a sheer wash of color to the lips. But if you put more coats on your lips, then the color would show more. For me, I like to use it for special occasions, and sometimes, I will apply it on my lips before I go to bed as well, like what I do with EOS.
Winner: Baby Lips
Texture / Moisturization
When you have EOS on your lips, it feels like you don't have any lip balm on which I personally like that. It feels smooth and light, without being oily. In terms of moisturization, EOS moisturizes very well. Every time I put EOS on, it leaves my lips feeling super soft.
Baby Lips:
For the texture of Baby Lips regular collection, I feel like it's oily and a bit greasy. It doesn't feel as nice on my lips as EOS. I LOVE the texture for Baby Lips Dr. Rescue collection though. Once you apply it, there is a cooling sensation on your lips, and the formula doesn't feel oily or greasy at all. It feels very nice on my lips. The moisturization for Dr. Rescue is better than the regular collection. Compared to EOS, though, I believe EOS moisturizes better.
Winner: EOS
Anyways, that wraps up my post for EOS vs. Baby Lips! I know it seems like I favor EOS a lot more, but actually Baby Lips Dr. Rescue is pretty close to EOS to me. I recommend BOTH of these brands, but you should buy the one that you think you will like better! :) I truly hope that this post helped you, and thank you so much for reading! :D
QOTD: Have you tried both? If you did, which one did you like better? Leave your answer in the comment section below!
Sunday, May 25, 2014
14 Awaited Releases/ Events for 2014
So I saw that my friend (randomthingsrcool.blogspot.com) did this post around 2 months ago, and I decided that I wanted to do a post like this as well. Instead, mine would be any 14 awaited releases/events for 2014. The releases will not just be books and movies (my friend's post was only the releases for books and movies). Without further ado, let's begin!
These are not in any order at all:
These are not in any order at all:
1. Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Premiere - Well of course this isn't a surprise since ya'll know how much I love Pretty Little Liars!
2. Ariana Grande's Second Album - I LOVED her first album, Yours Truly (click here if you want to read my post about Yours Truly)
3. Lucy Hale's Album, Road Between - So I've heard several songs from her album on her Youtube channel, and all of them sound really good. Now, I personally don't really like country music, but when I listened to her songs, I really like it. You guys should definitely listen to her songs!
4. Pretty Little Liars Toxic - Pretty Little Liars book series still remains as one of my favorite book series of all times. When Toxic comes out, it just means one step closer to finding out who A is!
5. TFIOS Movie - Now y'all should know what TFIOS stand for, but in case you don't, it stands for The Fault In Our Stars. I read the book The Fault In Our Stars and LOVED it! So I'm super pumped for the movie to come out. And I saw the trailer, and the movie seems like it would be amazing!
6. Mockingjay Part 1 - Catching Fire was one of my favorite movie (click here if you want to see my review of Catching Fire), and I already watched that movie 3 times. So of course, I can't wait for Mockingjay Part 1.
7. The Maze Runner Movie - I never read the book The Maze Runner, but I plan to. I watched the trailer for the Maze Runner and it looks like it would be a great movie.
8. Pretty Little Liars Future Collections - If you didn't know already, there is a Pretty Little Liars clothing line, which is sold at Aeropostale. I am excited for future PLL collection releases, since the clothes from the collection are released so far are all fashionable.
9. Teen Choice Awards - Teen Choice Awards is my favorite award show. I don't know I just like it, and also, Pretty Little Liars cast wins every award they are nominated so yay! :)
10. Katy Perry Concert - So I know in my Demi Lovato Neon Lights Concert post (click here if you want to read it), I told you guys that Katy Perry's Prism concert ticket were sold out. However, on April 1 when I checked the website that sold tickets, there was apparently still tickets. So I got tickets for the concert! But the seats were on the side, which I guess is totally fine since I would be at her concert. And that's all that matters.
11. The Retribution of Mara Dyer - So my friend from randomthingsrcool.blogspot.com recommended this series. This book will be the third book for the Mara Dyer triology, and I am looking forward to the release of this book. The Mara Dyer series is an AMAZING book series; it's one of my favorites. If you didn't read any books from this series already, you have to read it! It's soooo freaking good!
12. Maleficent - I saw the trailer for this, and right away, I was like I have to see it. Angelina Jolie is PERFECT as Maleficent.
Okay, before I list the next 2 events, let me just say it's more of a personal awaited event.
13. Starting High School - So I would be starting high school as a freshman this coming August. And I'm actually pretty excited about it. I hope my 4 years high school will be memorable.
14. 8th Grade Promotion Dance - The theme for the 8th Grade Promotion Dance is Glow in the Dark, so yay! I don't know what to wear yet, but it's the last dance of the year.
Anyways, those are the 14 awaited releases/events for 2014. I hope you liked this post, and thank you so much for reading! :)
2. Ariana Grande's Second Album - I LOVED her first album, Yours Truly (click here if you want to read my post about Yours Truly)
3. Lucy Hale's Album, Road Between - So I've heard several songs from her album on her Youtube channel, and all of them sound really good. Now, I personally don't really like country music, but when I listened to her songs, I really like it. You guys should definitely listen to her songs!
4. Pretty Little Liars Toxic - Pretty Little Liars book series still remains as one of my favorite book series of all times. When Toxic comes out, it just means one step closer to finding out who A is!
5. TFIOS Movie - Now y'all should know what TFIOS stand for, but in case you don't, it stands for The Fault In Our Stars. I read the book The Fault In Our Stars and LOVED it! So I'm super pumped for the movie to come out. And I saw the trailer, and the movie seems like it would be amazing!
6. Mockingjay Part 1 - Catching Fire was one of my favorite movie (click here if you want to see my review of Catching Fire), and I already watched that movie 3 times. So of course, I can't wait for Mockingjay Part 1.
7. The Maze Runner Movie - I never read the book The Maze Runner, but I plan to. I watched the trailer for the Maze Runner and it looks like it would be a great movie.
8. Pretty Little Liars Future Collections - If you didn't know already, there is a Pretty Little Liars clothing line, which is sold at Aeropostale. I am excited for future PLL collection releases, since the clothes from the collection are released so far are all fashionable.
9. Teen Choice Awards - Teen Choice Awards is my favorite award show. I don't know I just like it, and also, Pretty Little Liars cast wins every award they are nominated so yay! :)
10. Katy Perry Concert - So I know in my Demi Lovato Neon Lights Concert post (click here if you want to read it), I told you guys that Katy Perry's Prism concert ticket were sold out. However, on April 1 when I checked the website that sold tickets, there was apparently still tickets. So I got tickets for the concert! But the seats were on the side, which I guess is totally fine since I would be at her concert. And that's all that matters.
11. The Retribution of Mara Dyer - So my friend from randomthingsrcool.blogspot.com recommended this series. This book will be the third book for the Mara Dyer triology, and I am looking forward to the release of this book. The Mara Dyer series is an AMAZING book series; it's one of my favorites. If you didn't read any books from this series already, you have to read it! It's soooo freaking good!
12. Maleficent - I saw the trailer for this, and right away, I was like I have to see it. Angelina Jolie is PERFECT as Maleficent.
Okay, before I list the next 2 events, let me just say it's more of a personal awaited event.
13. Starting High School - So I would be starting high school as a freshman this coming August. And I'm actually pretty excited about it. I hope my 4 years high school will be memorable.
14. 8th Grade Promotion Dance - The theme for the 8th Grade Promotion Dance is Glow in the Dark, so yay! I don't know what to wear yet, but it's the last dance of the year.
Anyways, those are the 14 awaited releases/events for 2014. I hope you liked this post, and thank you so much for reading! :)
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