Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Book Review + Discussion: Pretty Little Liars #14 Deadly

Pretty Little Liars Book 14 Deadly coverSo I read Deadly about a month ago, and I decided to do a book review on it!  If you don't know what the plot of Pretty Little Liars is about, here is a link to my review of the previous book,Crushed, in the series (click HERE).  Oh, also this review is like the review of Crushed, following the same format which is book review and then discussion.  The discussion contains spoilers, but don't worry!  I will tell you beforehand.  Anyways for Deadly, it's basically about how the liars had enough of A ruining their lives and decided to put an end to it.  It was such an amazing book; it's a must read.  The plot, I would say, is kind of different from the other books in the series.  Like how the story goes it's kinda different, but in a great way.  The pace was also faster in this book, since the liars were actually doing something more effective to put an end to A's game.  In my opinion, what made Deadly more interesting than the other books was how A took it to the next level.  This affects the liars a lot, but it just makes them fight harder.  Btw, in Deadly, it revealed who Alison's helper was.  If you're interested in knowing who Alison's helper was, read the spoilers below.  Overall, I will rate this book a 5/5 stars! With all the intense and suspenseful moments, I had such an enjoyable time reading it.

--------------------------------------------------DISCUSSION : SPOILER ALERT-----------------------------------------------
Answer to Who is Helper A? : A is Nick, alias Tripp, Phineas, Jackson, Olaf, and Derrick.
Okay so in the beginning, it tells us Alison escaping from the Poconos in her perspective, which makes it more interesting.  When the book revealed that Noel was alive, I was relieved.  Once the liars decided to explain A to the cops, I felt like why didn't they do that earlier?  When Agent Fuji said there would be secret agents protecting them at all times, I was really hoping that the liars were safe from A at last.  Also, when Agent Fuji said she will investigate about the "A situation", I was kind of positive that she will solve the mystery.  Turns out, Agent Fuji accused the liars of sending the A notes to themselves to get attention, which I thought was illogical.  I mean seriously why would you send A text to yourself JUST to get attention?  Like, really?  When Emily's mom didn't believe in Emily when Emily said she wasn't the one in the "Tabitha video", I was like why wouldn't you believe in your own daughter?  Idk, I don't get it.  When Emily's family shunned Emily, I felt so bad for Emily.  Besides the liars, she has no one else to rely on.  Furthermore, when Emily attempted suicide, I thought she might actually suicide, but thankfully, the other liars got there in time to stop her.  I love how strong the friendship between the liars are.  In addition, I didn't like the characters Isabelle and Hanna's dad in the book, since they treated Hanna like crap.  Kate, on the other hand, was decent in this book.  On Arraignment day, a part of me thought that they have no hope left, but a part of me wonders if somehow, they manage to get out of the situation.  When the liars got a voice mail from Alison that had the chanting and Hanna figured out where it was from (her dad's office), I was like wow Hanna has such good memory and observes really well.  I probably wouldn't remember.  The liars arrive at a house behind the office, greeted by Nick, otherwise known as Tripp, Phineas, Jackson, Olaf, Derrick.  Wow, I never thought of that.  Alison appears with a gun, and I wonder if she will really get her wish.  The room where both Alison and Nick led the liars had this poison air, and I was scared for a second that all of them might actually die, and Ali will win.  When Alison tried to get Emily on her side, Emily refused, responding with "I hate you."  Good job Emily, way to show Alison how you really think of her.  Once the book described that "All she [Emily] saw was darkness", I thought that she was actually dead.  But it was later revealed she wasn't, and the rest of the liars weren't dead.  At the end, Agent Fuji figured out it was Nick who was helper A, saving the liars in time.  Everything is perfect timing like always for all the Pretty Little Liars books.  In those intense moments, someone will always save them somehow.  Which I guess you can say it's a good thing, but it can be quite predictable.  Not that I'm complaining or anything.  When Nick was arrested, I kinda felt sorry for him because like Alison obviously did a lot more bad things than Nick, but Nick was the one who got caught instead of Ali.  In the last few pages, it was revealed that Ali escaped AGAIN.  Honestly, I wonder how there can be this girl who is so clever with her plans.  This girl is so meticulous with her plans, that even FBI agents can't figure it out.  I really don't know how the liars can defeat her, honestly idek.
-----------------------------------------------------------END OF SPOILER----------------------------------------------------------

Sorry if this post was a bit too long.  I didn't expect it to be that long.  Btw, for those of you who think that PLL series is too long, I kind of understand how you feel.  Some parts are getting predictable.  Since I'm such a big fan, I don't mind.  Anyways, thanks for reading this book review and discussion.  I hope this helped! =]  Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.  So yeah!

1 comment :

  1. I think I'm speaking for a lot of ppl when I say that fans are tired of pll. Of the books anyway. It's getting tiring and tedious to read book after book, and spend so much money on them.
    - Random Person (I'm posting this as anonymous because I don't feel like signing in)
