Saturday, May 31, 2014

EOS Vs. Baby Lips

Okay, I know I already did a post like this before which compared all 3 lip balm brands: EOS, Baby Lips, and Nivea.  If you want to read that blog post, click here.  But this post will be different, since it would be a more in depth comparison of only EOS and Baby Lips.  Many people wonder what the differences and similarities are between EOS and Baby Lips.  So that's why I decided to do a post on it.  Now, let's begin!

Baby Lips Dr. Rescue Coral Crave (left) and EOS Blueberry Acai (right)



The packaging for EOS lip balm is so unique.  It's a lovely dome shape.  It's very easy to open and close.  However, since EOS lip balm is spherical-shaped, it might not be convenient to carry around in your purse.

Baby Lips: 

On the other hand, the packaging for Baby Lips is more ordinary.  The Baby Lips font are on the sides.  Actually for Baby Lips Dr. Rescue Collection, there is a label on a cap unlike the other Baby Lips collections.  Usually, the caps are clear, with no label on it.  The bottom dial feels loose when I twist it, but so far so good like it doesn't come off or anything.  I think the packaging for all the Baby Lips collections are still cute though.  And the packaging is more compact, so it's easier to fit in your purse. 

Winner - EOS



So I have 2 EOS lip balms, and they are the strawberry sorbet and blueberry acai (shown in picture).  Out of those 2, I prefer the blueberry acai one, since I think it smells better.  I also know how the other EOS lip balm smell like (sweet mint, summer fruit, honeysuckle honeydew) though because my family members have them.  And I can tell you that they smell amazing!

Baby Lips:

For Baby Lips, I have the pink punch and peach kiss from the regular collection, and I also have the Baby Lips Dr. Rescue coral crave (as shown in the picture).  The Baby Lips Dr. Rescue chapstick has kind of a medicated smell I guess?  So if you are someone who wants a chapstick that smells good, I do not think you should get that.  On the other hand, the baby lips from the regular collection smells really good.  Compared to EOS, I would say that EOS has more of a natural smell, and Baby Lips has more of an artificial smell (it still smells very good though.)

Winner: EOS 



When you put EOS on your lips, there is no color.  For me, I use it at home usually before I go to sleep, so I can wake up with soft lips.  Or, I use it for any casual events, since there is no color.

Baby Lips:

Baby Lips do give out color, but it's not very pigmented.  Once you put it on, it just gives a sheer wash of color to the lips.  But if you put more coats on your lips, then the color would show more.  For me, I like to use it for special occasions, and sometimes, I will apply it on my lips before I go to bed as well, like what I do with EOS.

Winner: Baby Lips

Texture / Moisturization


When you have EOS on your lips, it feels like you don't have any lip balm on which I personally like that.  It feels smooth and light, without being oily.  In terms of moisturization, EOS moisturizes very well.  Every time I put EOS on, it leaves my lips feeling super soft.

Baby Lips:

For the texture of Baby Lips regular collection, I feel like it's oily and a bit greasy.  It doesn't feel as nice on my lips as EOS.  I LOVE the texture for Baby Lips Dr. Rescue collection though.  Once you apply it, there is a cooling sensation on your lips, and the formula doesn't feel oily or greasy at all.  It feels very nice on my lips.  The moisturization for Dr. Rescue is better than the regular collection.  Compared to EOS, though, I believe EOS moisturizes better.

Winner: EOS

Anyways, that wraps up my post for EOS vs. Baby Lips!  I know it seems like I favor EOS a lot more, but actually Baby Lips Dr. Rescue is pretty close to EOS to me.  I recommend BOTH of these brands, but you should buy the one that you think you will like better! :) I truly hope that this post helped you, and thank you so much for reading! :D

QOTD: Have you tried both?  If you did, which one did you like better?  Leave your answer in the comment section below! 


Sunday, May 25, 2014

14 Awaited Releases/ Events for 2014

So I saw that my friend ( did this post around 2 months ago, and I decided that I wanted to do a post like this as well.  Instead, mine would be any 14 awaited releases/events for 2014.  The releases will not just be books and movies (my friend's post was only the releases for books and movies).  Without further ado, let's begin!

These are not in any order at all:

1. Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Premiere - Well of course this isn't a surprise since ya'll know how much I love Pretty Little Liars!
2. Ariana Grande's Second Album - I LOVED her first album, Yours Truly (click here if you want to read my post about Yours Truly)
3. Lucy Hale's Album, Road Between - So I've heard several songs from her album on her Youtube channel, and all of them sound really good.  Now, I personally don't really like country music, but when I listened to her songs, I really like it.  You guys should definitely  listen to her songs!
4. Pretty Little Liars Toxic - Pretty Little Liars book series still remains as one of my favorite book series of all times.  When Toxic comes out, it just means one step closer to finding out who A is!
5. TFIOS Movie - Now y'all should know what TFIOS stand for, but in case you don't, it stands for The Fault In Our Stars.  I read the book The Fault In Our Stars and LOVED it!  So I'm super pumped for the movie to come out.  And I saw the trailer, and the movie seems like it would be amazing!
6. Mockingjay Part 1 - Catching Fire was one of my favorite movie (click here if you want to see my review of Catching Fire), and I already watched that movie 3 times.  So of course, I can't wait for Mockingjay Part 1.
7. The Maze Runner Movie - I never read the book The Maze Runner, but I plan to.  I watched the trailer for the Maze Runner and it looks like it would be a great movie.
8. Pretty Little Liars Future Collections - If you didn't know already, there is a Pretty Little Liars clothing line, which is sold at Aeropostale.  I am excited for future PLL collection releases, since the clothes from the collection are released so far are all fashionable.
9. Teen Choice Awards - Teen Choice Awards is my favorite award show.  I don't know I just like it, and also, Pretty Little Liars cast wins every award they are nominated so yay! :)
10. Katy Perry Concert - So I know in my Demi Lovato Neon Lights Concert post (click here if you want to read it), I told you guys that Katy Perry's Prism concert ticket were sold out.  However, on April 1 when I checked the website that sold tickets, there was apparently still tickets.  So I got tickets for the concert!  But the seats were on the side, which I guess is totally fine since I would be at her concert.  And that's all that matters.
11. The Retribution of Mara Dyer - So my friend from recommended this series.  This book will be the third book for the Mara Dyer triology, and I am looking forward to the release of this book.  The Mara Dyer series is an AMAZING book series; it's one of my favorites.  If you didn't read any books from this series already, you have to read it!  It's soooo freaking good!
12. Maleficent - I saw the trailer for this, and right away, I was like I have to see it.  Angelina Jolie is PERFECT as Maleficent.

Okay, before I list the next 2 events, let me just say it's more of a personal awaited event.

13. Starting High School - So I would be starting high school as a freshman this coming August.  And I'm actually pretty excited about it.  I hope my 4 years high school will be memorable.
14. 8th Grade Promotion Dance - The theme for the 8th Grade Promotion Dance is Glow in the Dark, so yay!  I don't know what to wear yet, but it's the last dance of the year.

Anyways, those are the 14 awaited releases/events for 2014.  I hope you liked this post, and thank you so much for reading! :)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Thoughts About Height

So I always wanted to make this post about height, and today I decided to do that.  This post will be about my thoughts on height, and why you should love your height.  For me, I'm pretty short (I'm 14 and only 5 feet 1 3/4 inches tall).  When I started to notice that I didn't grow as much as before, I'm not gonna lie; I was upset.  My dream height was around 5 feet 5 inches tall, and I was no where close to that.  Before, I didn't like being that short.  But now, I'm starting to learn to embrace it.

I think being short or tall isn't bad at all.  I mean there are perks of being short and perks of being tall.  But there are also negative points about being short or tall, which don't think about the negative part of your height.  ALWAYS think positive about your height.

For those people who comment on people saying "Wow you are so short" or "Oh my gosh you are so tall", seriously stop it.  Like it's really unnecessary.  They already know if they are tall or short.  For the person you are making these comments to, you don't know if they will feel offended or not.  It's okay to observe people because it's natural to do that.  But keep your observations to yourself.  It's rude to comment on someone's height, especially if you call them short (since idk society think being tall is good which it is but doesn't mean being short is bad, you know).

Now  for those of you who don't like your height, then from this point on, stop hating your height.  Height doesn't matter.  If you have a good heart, that's all it matters.  Be confident with who you are.  Don't let other people's comments get to you.  As long as you are happy with who you are, then you will live a much happier life!  So next time when someone says, "you are so short/tall", just smile and say "I know" :)


Btw, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!  Thank you, Mom, for being the best mom in the world.  You are willing to put your time aside to help me.  I love you. <3 :D

Friday, May 9, 2014

#PLLSeAson5 Summer Premiere Official Preview & More

So the promo for Pretty Little Liars Season 5 came out a few days ago, and I decided to show you guys!


Now, I'm going to talk about my predictions, what I hope will happen in season 5, and some rambling.  I want Alison to have a twin so badly in the show (in the books she does have a twin).  I mean it makes everything more interesting.  Someone in the show definitely has a twin though; I think it's probably either Cece or Alison.  There are several clues in the show that kinda hints us there is a twin.  As you can see from the promo, Ezra whispered who he thinks A is, and hopefully he really does that.  Usually Pretty Little Liars promos just make it look like something will happen, when in the actual episode, what we think will happen doesn't really actually happen.  I'm pretty sure that Ezra won't die I mean everyone likes Ezra.  Ezria is the best couple in PLL for sure!  Some people feel like the show is dragging on, but I think its fine.  I think we will have some legit answers in season 5.  Marlene said the story doesn't end until a season 6 (if PLL does get renewed).  And about Alison, I think she changed.  I think the liars can trust Alison now.  Judging by the promo, it looks like season 5 will be the best season ever!

Now, the book cover for the last book in the Pretty Little Liars book series is released.  So this is how the cover looks like:

 Pretty Little Liars Book 16: Vicious
If it is the last book (cause Sara Shepard, author of PLL book series tends to say this book is the last book when it's really not the conclusion to the series), then I think the cover should have been with 4 liars on it.  I like the color combination though.  I'm happy that Sara is finally ending the series cause the book series does kinda drag on a bit.  I still love it though, but all story lines can't go on forever.  I hope that there will be a great conclusion to the series.  I wonder how Sara will end it because in previous books, she makes Alison so powerful.  I really don't know how the liars can't defeat her.  So that will be interesting to find out.

Anyways, that's it for this post!  I hope you liked it, and thanks for reading! :)