Monday, March 31, 2014

Thin Mints

So for this post, I just felt like sharing one of my favorite cookies of all times- Thin Mints.  Most of y'all probably know what it is, but for those of you who don't, let me explain.  Thin mints is a girl scout cookie, where girl scouts sell it during a certain time of the year.  Thin mints has a great tasting chocolate coating, crispy chocolate wafer inside, and delicious Peppermint flavor.  This is what makes this cookie the best selling Girl Scout cookie.  Well, of course it is since it's so addicting and so yummy.  Anyways, you guys should definitely buy this the next time girl scouts are selling it.  Now if you will excuse me, I'm getting a thin mint.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Spring Finale Reaction

Wow, this episode was soooo freaking good!  It's definitely one of the best Pretty Little Liars episode ever.  There were so many shocking reveals, and so many Alison Dilarentis scenes (which I LOVE).  Anyways, so for this episode, you finally find out what happened the night that Ali went missing, who buried Alison, etc.  Below is my reaction to this episode, which contains spoilers. 

------------------------------------------------REACTION : SPOILER ALERT----------------------------------------------------
When Noel appeared, I wasn't that surprised since I was already suspecting that he was the one that Spencer talked to at the end of the previous episode.  I knew it wasn't a trap.  When Cece revealed that she knew who Alison was so afraid of, I was like what? Really?!  I feel sorry for Alison because she has to go through A's torture all by herself.  When Ali revealed that Spencer didn't kill anyone, I was like yes good.   Also, whattttt Alison's mom was the one who buried Ali???  I mean that kinda doesn't seem like what a mother would do to her daughter.  I think the person who hit Ali with a rock was her twin (In the PLL book series, Ali had a twin.  The Ali that the liars knew as was actually called Courtney, but pretended that she was Alison.  The real Alison hated Courtney for pretending to be her.)  Wow, Mona knew Alison was alive the whole time.  Also, what was Melissa whispering to her dad about?? At the end, OMG Ezra was shot.  Gosh, I was crying when he was shot.  The scene with Aria begging for Ezra to stay alive was so emotional; I just lost it.  I usually don't cry during these dying scenes though, idk why I cried during this one.  Ugh, Ezra better not die.  He absolutely cannot die.  Oh, and before he got shot, I thought that he was so sweet showing up and defending the liars and Alison.  When "A" escaped from the liars, he jumped over a roof, proving that he had physical abilities; therefore, I think "A" is a male.  This episode ended with Jessica Dilarentis being buried by "A".  After watching this episode,  I had so many questions in my head.  Hopefully, they will be answered in the next season. 
------------------------------------------------------END OF SPOILER---------------------------------------------------------------

And that wraps up my reaction of the Pretty Little Liars spring finale.  Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy this post! :) 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Book Review + Discussion: Eleanor & Park

So today, I am going to do a book review on Eleanor & Park.  Hmmm where do I start?  Well, let me just say that this book was heartwarming, funny, honest, bittersweet, and refreshing.  It's an unpredictable love story.  This has to be one of the best books I have ever read.  Set in 1986, Eleanor & Park is about two misfits falling in love.  With her curly hair and wearing the wrong clothes all the time, Eleanor doesn't fit in.  Park, being half Korean, is an outsider as well.  Their relationship all begins on the bus ride to school, where Park offers a seat next to him to Eleanor when no one else will.  So that's basically a general summary for Eleanor & Park.  Anyways, reading this book was an emotional roller coaster.  Like this is literally the only book that actually made me have emotions while reading it.  At the funny moments, I would laugh.  At the heartbreaking moments, my heart felt like it's tearing apart.  In the happy moments, I would smile.  So yeah.  Oh, and did I mention that Rainbow Rowell is an amazing writer?  She truly is.  Overall, I give this book a 5/5 stars.  Now, on to the discussion part.

----------------------------------------------DISCUSSION : SPOILER ALERT---------------------------------------------------
Can we just talk about Eleanor's step dad for a second?  He is a b*stard I swear.  Gosh, he's the reason why Eleanor and Park can't see each other.  Park is such a sweet guy.  He protects Eleanor from the bullies, and is willing to risk getting hurt to protect her.  I felt sorry for Eleanor, since she's been through so much, ya know?  In the very end, literally the last sentence (when Park received a postcard from Eleanor that said I love you), it was so bittersweet.  I thought Rainbow Rowell ended the book perfectly.
--------------------------------------------------END OF DISCUSSION--------------------------------------------------------------

Anyways, that wraps up my book review!  I hope my review helps you, and do your self a favor by reading this book.  Oh, and remember to tell me your thoughts in the comment section below! :)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Japan Beauty Products

shampoo and face wash

Today, I am going to talk about some beauty products I bought from Japan.  Actually, it's only 2 products as you can see from the picture.  So I went to Japan last summer.  Recently, I used the face wash (I wanted to finish using up my current face wash before using this one) and loved it.  Since both the shampoo and face wash work so well, I decided to make a post about them.  So yeah, anyways let's start with the shampoo.  The shampoo makes your hair so soft and clean.  It's kind of like a 2 in 1 (shampoo and conditioner in 1 bottle), but it's not actually a 2 in 1.  Like if I only use this shampoo, my hair would still be soft.  Time to talk about the face wash.  This face wash makes your face feel so refreshing, and the texture feels very smooth on your face.  It has a green tea scent, which I really like.  Overall, both of these products are simply amazing.  I know that you guys will probably not have a chance to buy it, but I still wanted to share my thoughts with you guys.  Anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope you like this post! :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

My Trip to Anaheim

So I recently went to Anaheim for a band field trip.  Our school band was supposed to compete in the Music in the Parks event, so that's why we went to Anaheim.  And to go to Disneyland, of course!  Anyways, read on if you want to know about my trip to Anaheim, California. 

Day 1: Okay this day was mainly driving to Anaheim.  The bus started driving around 9:00 A.M., and we arrived at 6:00 P.M.  I had to sit in the bus for 7-8 hours (we had 1 rest stop).  And the bus was uncomfortable.  So.....yeah.  Wasn't too happy that day. 

Day 2: In this day, we are so unlucky I swear.  I mean this day was supposed to be sightseeing like going to Venice Beach, Hollywood, and Griffith Observatory.  But we ended up not going to any of those places.  We couldn't go to Venice Beach since it was raining, and I guess you can't go to beaches when it's raining.  Hollywood was closed because people there are preparing for the Oscars, which was that weekend.  We didn't go to Griffith Observatory because apparently there was a mudslide (I saw that on the news).  So we basically just drove around on the bus for idek how many hours, but it was a loooong time.  For dinner, we ate Hometown Buffet, so that was good (for food, the teacher brought the food; we don't eat at a restaurant).  At least I went to Downtown Disney, in which my group's chaperone took us to. :)

Day 3:  Band competition and Disneyland day!  We had to wake up at 5:00 AM.  So early......  We arrived at the competition place around 8:00 AM.  And we got first place, woo hoo ...... cause we were the only middle school band that competed, haha.  Anyways, after that, we went to Disneyland yayyy!  I was so happy that Disneyland didn't close because of the rain.  If that actually happened, this whole trip would be so depressing lol.  Disneyland didn't look as good when it's raining.  I guess I had fun in Disneyland?  But the whole time, both of my shoes were wet.  And do you know how uncomfortable that feels?  Every time I walk, you can hear the squishing of the water.  My feet felt so cold and dirty.  When it was time to leave Disneyland, I was so happy that we finally get to sit on a bus since my legs were sore from walking.  Well, we got even more unluckier because since we left Disneyland so late (around 10- 10:30 PM), the bus driver didn't drive us back to the hotel.  I don't blame him.  So guess what?  We had to walk back to the hotel.  Gosh, I literally could barely stand.  I was sooo tired by the time I finally got back to the hotel.

Day 4:  Driving back to school day!  So this day is the day we leave Anaheim.  Tbh, I was quite happy because home is just so much more comfortable than the hotel.  Our plan was to get back to the school around 4:30 PM, but we ended up arriving around 8:00 PM.  Which is like a big difference.  So it was kinda sad, cause it means more time on the bus.  And the bus is really uncomfortable (like what I said earlier).  So yeah, when I arrived at my house, I was just so happy, cause home sweet home. :)

Overall, I had a pretty good time.  I didn't have the best time, but I still enjoyed it even though we were quite unlucky, haha.  Okay, anyways, thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! :) 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My Experience at the Demi Lovato Neon Lights Concert

Gosh, first of all, I am so sorry that I haven't posted for such a long time.  I was busy lately, but I have not forgotten one bit about my blog.  To make it up to you guys, I will publish 6 posts during March (since there was only 2 posts in February, and I plan to have 4 post per month.)  Anyways, wow this post is so overdue......I still wanted to share with you guys my experience at the Demi Lovato Neon Lights Concert at the SAP Center in San Jose on February 11, 2014.  It was such a great concert!  There were pretty lights (well duh its called neon lights after all lol), and Demi Lovato sang amazingly.  She looked so cute with her pink air and adorable smile!  However, I felt as if the opening acts were too long; they were about 2 hours in total, while the actual part when Demi performed was around 1 around or so.  There was 3 opening acts - Fifth Harmony, Collins Key (magician), and Little Mix.  My favorite opening act is Fifth Harmony.  When it was finally Demi's turn to perform, I was so happy.  She sang some songs from her album and some old songs as well.  I love the fact that she didn't "ditch" her old songs.  Demi sang the songs together, like after this song ended she automatically starts the next one without pausing.  The row I was on was okay, I mean I can see her movements but not her facial expression.  Now, I am going to compare her concert with Katy Perry California Dreams Concert.  So I realized Katy Perry's concert is more fun and interesting, well for me at least.  I mean Katy Perry danced and had all these cute props.  I also felt that she talked to her fans more than Demi.  On the other hand, Demi Lovato is more of a stand there and sing type, which I don't mind since she sings so spectacular live.  But personally, I liked the Katy Perry concert better.  Like Katy's concert was honestly the time of my life, literally the best day of my life.  I was dancing the whole time and had SO much fun at Katy's concert.  Which is why I am upset that her Prism concert was sold out. :(  Okay, now back to Demi's concert.  Even though I enjoyed Katy's concert more, Demi's concert is definately worth going to.  It felt so short, and I was bummed when it ended.  So  if you are a Demi Lovato fan, I suggest you to go to her concert! :)